Not too shabby I took of the clamps off the experiment from last Thursday - ‘disrupt the average’. I decide that I do like it after all.
I think about putting it in the interim show and my internal maker starts hyperventilating and wants me to spend hours on it. ‘People are gonna see it and think I am a moron’.
I fuss with it a little bit and realise that actually I am gonna need to re-wet form the leather, its a minor technical thing but how I’ve cut the leather means I’m not gonna be able to stitch it well or at all. Not being super picky just need to make it work, AND I start to think that this is part of the work, I want the leather to be exquisite because I’m using such crappy wood, this is the premise for the dialogue between the materials - allowing them to speak. Value systems. Also the wood has value because of it’s source. An invisible quality to the material.
As I’m fussing the art work tells me that its called ‘Jericho’ - I don’t understand this but know better than to push to deep at this stage - I may be informed later - if the work feels like it,///
Hopefully I can finish this off fairly quickly - I want to play more with the faster and slower rhythms of making.The idea was impromptu andI guess this will just have to be.
Also there are other questions to ask about what other processes or materials could come into play. Do I burn the wood or add copper? Or perhaps these are second and third piece and this one should just be. Plus I really son’t have long…
This piece is also leading to some other ideas about abstract/representational work, and a narrative about travellers and what they pack…