Not been the most productive this past week, I think my Brian had had enough after the assessment and interim show. So as an attempt to get things moving again - I’m just collating a bunch of stuff I like especially around the idea of books.
There is always a desire to draw and to explore drawing, I’m looking for a common thread to explore or maybe just make stuff and see what happens, I suspect the latter is better because the former sounds like an old procrastination tactic. I like the idea of pages and pages of delicious drawing building a narrative, coloured collographs, mono prints, raw drawings and etchings…
I discovered an artist too (picured above) who seems to be working with similar motifs. I also see similarities to his invertigations.
“In Tibetan text ‘Bardo’ refers to the transitional state between one life and the next, a state in which those that have passed, in a karmic sense, may ne guided by the living towards a more positive ‘rebirth’.
When a tree dies its wood can taken a new form and be re-imagined within a different realm.
Clays was once rock, formed beneath oceans, raised up by the mountains to crumble and be washed to the seance more.
Metal, Glass, Leather, cotton, plastic, stone - all that exists is moving, becoming again, in a constant, cyclical change.
Birth is not the beginning and death is no end”
Nic Webb: Instargram 2MAR2023
Also see: