Unit 3 Assessment///
It’s been an enlightening journey and a wrestle on the MA. In a tutorial with Jonathan we discussed that the process of releasing the high level of finish, in exchange for a faster more spontaneous and less self conscious process. Moving forward this final term it would be of benefit to continue to ‘make as much as possible’ and as freely as possible to continue to explore and be as generative as possible. That this would be the best way to invest in my ongoing practice after the MA. Establishing an intelligent and intuitive rhythm of making at the heart of my practice. To capitalise on elements and qualities already present, to become more aware and wise to how and when I am succeeding. That from this place I can make expand and focus when needed.
By freeing my process, thinking and productivity through intentional disruptions to my practice; restricting time, thought, space and language, making ‘little rules for making’ as explored in my research paper and film, I am discovering better rhythms and disciplines to my professional practice. Discoverng expansion of my practice even in limitation. This experimentation has been intended to contribute to my overall freedom of practice to become more generative, exploratory and engaging, connecting my research and making in a more symbiotic manner. With the intention of establishing a more sustainable and practice for the future, where I can spend more time and focus on particular projects and craft key ideas, whilst retaining the freedom and spontaneity.
LO1. Present evidence of a body of work that demonstrates a systematic enhancement of your knowledge and understanding. (AC Realisation)
1. https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2023/2/20/das-ding
Enquiry, Knowledge, Realisation: Following my second assessment tutorial - Further research into thought around the void, the abyss and the sacred. Areas I’d like to investigate more to underpin the research I have been undertaking in line with my research paper and practice. (Academic Production)
2 https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2023/3/2/negative-lever
Enquiry, Process: Making and thinking in the studio, considering my production and thinking behind my practice, wanting to push the materials and research. (Personal Production)
3 https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2023/5/3/khora-the-hermeneutics-of-hyphenation
Enquiry, Knowledge, Process, Communication: Enhancement of Knowledge. Further critical research into the conceptual concerns of my practice specifically pursuing the key themes of : Khora and Kenoticinsm and differance. (Academic Production)
4 https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2023/4/3/process-post
Enquiry, Knowledge, Process, Communication, Realisation: Expanding the practice based research in conjunction with on going conceptual enquiry around language specifically pursuing ideas of translation, becoming more aware of good practice for my rhythms of making. (Personal Production)
5 https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2023/3/2/a-benevolencenbspof-dirt
Communication, Realisation: Work developed for a show - ‘The Festival of Dissent’ Experimenting in combining text based work and Image based work, considering the audience and my own values. (Professional Production)
6 https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2023/3/2/poetic-discovery-of-the-hidden
Enquiry, Communication: Considering and understanding my practice (Personal & Professional Production)
7 https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2023/4/8/translation
Enquiry, Knowledge: Further enquiry into language specifically translation - future/ongoing developement of key areas of research in my practice (Academic Production)
8 https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2023/4/26/richard-long
Enquiry, Knowledge: Enhancing knowledge and understanding looking at the artist Richard long and his practice - areas akin to my own and reflections on how this could help my practice. (Personal & Professional Production)
LO2. Synthesise and critically reflect coherently on your process whilst providing evidence of an active, independent and/or collaborative practice. (AC Process) Experiment and critically evaluate methods, results and their implications in a range of complex and emergent situations.
1 https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2023/1/11/ritualised-tools-of-passage
Enquiry, Process, Communication, Realisation: Experimenting and reflecting on working with materials, process and its language.
2 https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2023/1/29/i-dont-know
Enquiry, Process, Realisation: Experimenting evaluation of new media and capitalising on lessons from the MA of free fast making, recognising best practice for me.
Enquiry, Realisation: Critical reflection and evaluation on my process developing previous ideas and experiments. Also considering my practice and it’s seasons, how I naturally work.
4 https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2023/4/3/liminal-landscapes
Process, Communication: Ongoing exploration of using in image and text together.
5 https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2023/5/7/imaginary-bundle-for-passage
Process, Communication, Realisation: Reflection and evaluation on development and evolution of drawing practice alongside research.
6 https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2023/4/8/2lw975s3muc6pvub9siuhjlmn1cqb5
Enquiry, Knowledge, Process, Communication, Realisation: Experimentation around animation, evaluation of this as a process relevant to my practice, considering emergent situations for the future.
7 https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2023/4/17/studio
Process focused fast making and future making, experiment an evaluation and consideration of potential emergent results.
LO3. Summarise and evaluate your overall progress and formulate a constructive plan for continuing Personal and Professional Development. (AC Communication)
1 https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2023/3/16/studio
Enquiry, Knowledge, Process: Becoming aware of better working practices, how to encourage a flow and to use materials. Communicating intentions
2 https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2023/4/19/show-planning
Enquiry, Knowledge, Process, Communication, Realisation:Show planning, making considerations of imagined audience expectations in specific context verses the integrity of the work and practice, reflecting on what’s key for my ongoing practice.
3 https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2023/4/19/unexpected
Enquiry, Knowledge, Process, Communication, Realisation: Realising future work for the MA, examining approaches to my practice, how to capitalise on continuing development.
4 https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2023/4/17/micro-post-sometimes
Enquiry, Process, Communication, Realisation: ‘MicoPost’ technique used to keep documenting and processing even when time is short or I feel I don’t have a lot to say. This technique records and encourages me to keep thinking. For example the clay drawings then evolved into an animated piece. Using a range of intentions sources.
5 https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2023/4/30/tools-for-drawing-escillation
Enquiry, Knowledge, Process, Communication, Realisation: Thinking about current making and future steps after the MA, what practical steps I can take and what art work I can research with. How my work lends itself to further development for the future.
6 https://www.justinmarkharrison.com/blog/2023/5/10/the-divine-and-the-liminal
Enquiry, Knowledge, Process, Realisation: Critical reflection and evaluation on the work and process, what has actually happened to me in the MA and what I want to capitalise on and keep, recognising what is key for my practice and emergent consequences for the future.