In thinking about my research paper investigations JK encouraged me to investigate Ursula Von Rydingsvard more having already engaged with her work. Especially her ‘Little nothings’ work which appears very close to my current investigations. Look at her work even a single piece. Look for connections including things not apparent. Don’t need to focus on existential issues - they will naturally enter into the work. Derrida ect
1 + 1 = 3
Regarding my art work I discussed my reluctance to repeat motifs too much and my desire to create the new.
JK mentioned the value of repetition of exploring. How through repetion of a theme 10 or 20 times things can come out that are not expected but unique and valuable. Which is likely what happens with Ursula Von Rydingsvard who works aound key motifs and materials.
Through repetition it can make more heightened work further down the process.
In my work there are key and connected motifs:
A Relationship with wood that has a history
An Intervention creating a differing narrative to its past.
Useful question: What is the interaction with audience? Why they are being shown the work.
Feedback to recent art work:
Forest hill astonishing. Drawing is a natural and apparent part of my work.
Also the photographyThe words from my blog agianst the picture could be displayed. Juxtaposed at same scale. Stunning piece of writing. I question the photographic work I make as not connected to my usual practice. I was Resisting photography as not beautiful or crafted.
JK reflected that I still crafted composure, observation, lighting, content. It’s worth noting that the Photos generate the prose and the two work very well. In the same way I draws - landscape - noticing light context opportunities. The Blog is pulling elements together - little nothings, draws, drawings photography. A strength in my work is listening to the materials - to guide, inform and refine the making.
We discussed that Ursula Von Rydingsvard has given herself permission to be free and not work to a script but explores and listens closely to the materials she uses - and this permissionis helpful for me too.
“The only way you learn is to make things that fail, and sometimes the things that fail abysmally are the things you learn the most from” Ursual Von Rydingsvard You Tube 1hr 22 mins
“Ongoing creative decision making - continuously unfolding…Once each beam is stacked new decisions are being made, where to cut, how to cut” Solomon Adler
“There is a way in which I grope the whole time I am making a piece”. UVR YouTube 20 mins
Investigate Rydingsvard more. Making freely is helpful. Also the Mini deadlines.
JK Asked: Drawing sculpture photography are they related or seperate?
Trinitatrain related - yes it is
Do you see them as three distinct separate things?
Derrida flow over flow bleeding through. In Process I work back and forth
Do you print photos? Bring them into the physical- could show.
There is a thread - repeat more, it’s safe.
JK asked me to imagine a gallery space I’m exhibiting at - what would you show?
Me: I wanna show the better work I haven’t made yet.
The curse of approval
I realise my desire for originality is not helping
That it’s overwhelming to recreate everytime ‘to be back to the drawing board’
Jk said that I could show what I have right now and it would be strong.
JK flagged my statement “Hang on I wanna make the better stuff.” as a key one to watch out for, that it’s unhelpful.
Catford the drawings I chose to show were astonishing, amazing.
A feeling of ‘Wow I wish I had made that’
Effortless and beguiling yet significant energy put in. Looks like it always should have been that.
Drawings - Exhibition next week Id have an astonish show.
The ‘Little nothings’ I am making are important - edition your work.
Art give us the freedom to be extravagant
Dragon are flies extravagant thousadnsd of species.
Make 10 leather or wood pieces.
Pulling together of ideas trying to hold in my head some in blog some in head.
Reflection that there is a Deep honesty in the blog
Why am I doing this - exploring the materials or context - there’s a depth to this.
1. Desire for originality not helping
2. Be strategic with paper - how does she relate her work to drawing.
3. Reach out to UVR. Have a conversation?
4. Grounded context in making will help with Derrida
5. Mini deadlines really helping
There is an extravigence in the work what comes acoss is the integrity, love, compassion and commitment.
I came to realise in discussing the challenges I’m facing regarding feeling that the work is all over the place and had not come thogther - wasn’t correct there are definitely strong related threads and also quality to what I’m doing.
In discussing my process and approach to work we highlighted key ares that are working and I just needed a nudge to realise it.
Making the little nothings is working for me and to editions and repeat similar motifs, is not just valid but important. Out of it can come nuances and ideas and it’s ok to be extravigant.
I worried that I had too many disperate ideas, but there is a commonality to them especially around working in wood that has a history to it. It is coming through in my blog, which is becoming a valuable tool.
JK recommended investigation Von Rydingsvard more because of sheared sensibilities and differences.
The drawing I make are important to whether they become final pieces or not and that the photography too
Good to reflect back across my blog.