Small rules to disrupt my world / by Justin Harrison

I have introduced small rules to my practice, to disrupt and influence my creative process. I think we often do it in the everyday without realising. Which also raises the question what laws do we unnecessarily live under?

Born from work on my MA and fInal show. These drawings have become one of my temporary obsessions. The basic rule comprises of making three marks , they must go in differing directions to their neighbours. with no predrawing of outlines is allowed. . The lines of the negative space inevitably go wonky and I get annoyed and then become resigned. 

Small marks - partial presences combine to make a greater presence that describes presence/ absence (a partial precence) by the negative space denoted.

I’m not entirely sure what the outcome will be, but that’s kinda the point. To loose control but still remain influential. I’m looking for something but I don’t know what. This is the search for what I’m searching for.