Different elements of drawings and thoughts. This is the least considered post which may be a good thing///
Horizontal and Vertical.
Aggregate and liminal. 1 + 1 =3
Made and unmade
Sunday was a day of attempting to consolidate some of the drawings I’ve been making.Somethimes I need to just quickly visualise some of my thoughts, even if it’s to dismiss them. I’ve been given some new ‘super black’ paint which I kinda like, it sits on the page so matt, but also fragments well into particals.
‘Immerse’ (forest project with Jon) hangs in the air frustrating me with its lack of flow. I want more but am unsure what it is/// I need to write more - more lyrical stuff. Somethings the words carry more of the idea.
I like my work best when there's a strong element of craft to it. Something Jon mentioned too>>> Drawn or made.
Drawings - direction maybe doesn't matter dead horses? Can I visit a slaughter house? Or animal crematory?
To do: Ink wash drawing of Revenant - Glass climbing inside horse 🐴
Current artists of interest: Barney, De Brukyer, Boyce, Theaster Gates. Really need to widen my exploration. Must find more artists.
Are there films I should be researching into more? Taking stills and making drawings, looking for the threads of transforming places/moments?
Return to Joker? Saving private Ryan? Revenant? Other?
“making a destabilising passage through them”
Collins Jeff, Introducing Derrida P90