
Minor Literature in a Major Culture Language - Deleuze by Justin Harrison

Minor Literature in a Major Culture Language

Cathedral Machine

Cathedral of Capitalism

Vectors of resistance

Deterritorialisation - Deleuze


Does no the digital world lend itself to control and observation

Art might be absurd but is the status quo any less?

If Kafka's work is a rhizome, then its expression does not crystalize into a unifying form; instead the expression is a proliferation of different lines of growth. The work resembles crabgrass, a bewildering multiplicity of stems and roots which can cross at any point to form a variety of possible connections. Reading can participate in these connections; a reader makes connections as he reads. He need not interpret and say what the text means; he can discover where passages in the text lead, with what they can be connected. The result is not an interpretation but a map,a tool with which to find a way. The map is the production of an experimental reading, the word experiment being used here as John Cage uses it, "not as descriptive of an act to be later judged in terms of success and failure, but simply as an act the outcome of which is unknown."I The reader becomes a nomad; to borrow a phrase from Lyotard, reading becomes "a nomadic of intensities."7 As such it does not threaten minor perspectives; instead it entertains them, and minor literature works to produce a reading which will constitute its own affirmation.

Deleuze and Guattari - What is a minor Literature

In Kafka: pour une litterature mineure, Deleuze and Guattari enter Kafka's work by considering his mode of expression. What they discover is that expression in Kafka evades the linguistic models that might interpret it-in particular Hjelmslev's distinction between the form of the content and the form of the expression.' Kafka works toward an "unformed expressive material" which, on the one hand, leads to "less and less formalized contents" and, on the other hand, turns the most resistant formalizations into unformed contents as well. Kafka works toward a deterritorialization which cannot be reterritorialized by an interpreter: what he expresses are "states of desire independent of all interpretation," and he expresses these states not in a universal way but as a Jew in Prague, as the writer of a minor literature who finds that if expression provides an escape, it does so in connection with a specific cultural context

Deleuze and Guattari - What is a minor Literature

So Deleuze speaks of territoiralisation and interpretation, Bhabha also speaks at length on interpretation and then Derrida writes to a Japanese friend. In regards to language and it's codification - interpretation is a significant machine who's output is...dubious. How then do we approach the minor literature of art making? Interpreting Art?

Kapoor repeatedly presents us with an ambiguity of locating the self in space and time. The void is cast before us in multiple iterations, refusing to abate.