
I am everything you left behind again. by Justin Harrison

Another dirty sink. Another opportunity. Although in my excitement I made a rookie mistake. I used white paper when the sink is really a mid grey. I lost out on all the delicious white. next time…
I think this game is developing some rules too.
1. I can’t interfere in the process. As in no adding or sub-tracking to what is in the sink, only what is there.
2. I can’t coerce anyone to make such an opportunity.
3. It has to remain a secret for as long as possible.

It’s strange to be a part of the art making process yet exist outside of it at the same time. Not sure what to equate it to - except perhaps Levi Strauss ‘Triste Topics’ where he finds he exerts undue influence over a South American tribe when they witness writing for the first time and it creates division.


I am everything you left behind. I am everything you don't want by Justin Harrison

An ‘opportunistic print’. So not necessary my work?
’Somebody’ left a sink in a hot mess.
I just found it and pulled a print form it.
I’m gutted that I didn’t think to photograph the sink first, it would have made this.

But there you go, somedays I’m awake and the others…well.

This isn’t the first time I’ve played this game, there have been a few other occasions where I have been able to ‘capitalise’ on chance. But this episode has inspired the words or perhaps title:

‘I am everything you leave behind

‘I am everything you don’t want’

This happens sometimes - something sticks in language, I discover a pull in the words. I feel a weight behind a phrase - yet I don’t understand what it is. It’s like it’s a mystery for me to solve. Maybe in the making. Something exists beyond my frame and I have to pull it in. Land it.

This image is a landing of some kind - of the phrase.