Feels good to complete but feels incomplete///
I’m dubious of making the same work over and over again. Is it really valid? I know many artists will make a series of similar drawings exploring a theme, but somehow I feel uncomfortable to be making the same or similar drawing. I guess I am keen to see development and progression and if I am honest… then I don’t see any.
However there is a meditation in drawing that permits me to explore and think. Ideas are generate whilst drawing and it doesn’t seem to matter what the drawing is necessarily . I heard a curator say that ‘abstract art can get to heart of things’, and perhaps thats enough.
I’m also reading ‘Why we believe what we believe” by Andrew Newberg, I’m looking for an understanding of the construction of belief. As a neurologist he states that; Spinoza’s idea of intuition correlates with the way our brain creates a holistic image of the world.
“That intuition allows us to comprehend what the senses cannot perceive” and “we can enter into intuitive states through the act of meditation or prayer” and “These processes can enhance our lives by allowing us to circumvent the conceptual errors embedded in logic, reason or personal opinion. Intuition, creativity, and spiritual practice may all provide better means for apprehending reality and truth more accurately”
However I do also realise the inherent dangers of such a statement. Giving intuition the same gravitas as facts is really ‘buttering the eel’. (Made up metaphor). But I do like the idea of making space for intuition.