I am starting to from an uncomfortable relationship with UVR and her work. One minute I love it and the next I am uninterested. I keep returning to it though I love the forms and textures she creates and uses. It’s deeply satisfying the shapes she discovers the way they articulate the unknown. Her prolific generation of different forms feels so intentional and yet unplanned. Great forms sweeps across a plane or intricate animated forms like barnacles cluster together, mouths open feeding on an invisible source, an implication that there is more in the unseen around us. Yet when I listen to interviews and read I find little spoken of other than the process and begrudging concessions about the past.
It appears that much of UVRs work is automatic and whilst there is nothing wrong in working this way, I can’t help but feel that something is being missed here. When UVR talks about her work it comes in simple safe statements. Yet the work has way more going onthan just the surface.
But how can we ignore the significance of who the woman UvR is and what has happened and informed her life and therefor her work?