So this guy is my new favourite discovery. Maybe I’ll move on quickly but. art of points are resonating, and seem to fall into a useful place. I’m not sure this will go towards my research paper but it’s certainly interesting.
"History is made by bodies, armies, mass movements, hordes. Historie's great men and women always stood on mobs of bodies that changed history. unlike heroes journeies history is about masses of peple doing stuff, lots of work lots of war, lots of building systems and sometimes dismantelling systems. ANd ususally all of this is done without knowledge of what they are doing, unconscious of history, just like the zombie.
The problem is ideology refracts and distracts and temps us away from a mutalistic or communal historical consciousness and it temps us away from the consciousness of being a mass". 14:20 Plastic Pills
"The real power of the many as many. As an organism driven by a singular purpose. And even if the only leverage left avaialable to you is to take up space - that's still leverage. You've got more agency as a zombie than as a cowboy regardless of what the films say". 17:30 Plastic Pills