Following notes are from latest tutorial:
Research Paper:
Much to my relief JK said my research paper on Derrida and Von Rydingsvard was great, very good. That my supervisor very much liked it too. There were some small points to tweak but that it was publishable.
JK talked about how I had managed to take complex ideas and connected them together in a way that was clear and accessible. That it was evidence I can think and make sense and connections in an academic context. Ability to take complex thoughts synthesis it into a readable paper.
In addition I have succeed in what I wanted it to do.Taking some of the important principals found in and around Derrida’s approach to analysis. Using his literary critical analysis and applying it to interpreting the work and intentions of the artist.
We discussed that It was a slow coalescence of my past years thinking and practice That the thinking'/theory had been challenging and at times a hindrance but had evolved into helping.
The research has given specific language to my making and process. it is Interesting and awkward in it’s fluidity. I don’t like to cop out and say the concepts behind the work is whatever you make of it. However I do like the freedom for the work to expand, explore , evolve whilst maintaining direction and intention. a difficult but worthy balance. It’s important that the audience can come along pick up on the direction I am taking but be free to find their own associations in the work and not be overly prescriptive or illustrative. I want the Audience to be able to come alongside for a while. And try the ideas out.
JK asked - Has the paper affected my practice and how I approach it and the thinking?
Yes most definitely. Under the banner of ‘make more’, the pragmatic requirement of the course and the timed pieces, I have let things go - the need for beautifully made, the need for the thoughts to all be resolved. That some thing had to give - my level of finish. “I said I have Forgiven myself for not arriving’. Instead tried to ‘Make lots’. Not just for the course or the sake of assessment but fundamentally my approach to my practice.
That in letting go - it has taken the pressure off. It has become way more generative. Which then leads to more ideas and conceptual enquiry. Which can weave back into the artwork I’ve found this through what appears in my Blog. Ideas and concepts that appear. Ones I discovered in reading for my assessment. There is a consistency and correlation. The release of perfection and performance has made enough space for the thoughts and research to integrate into the making.
JK also asked if letting go of my former methodology and adapting new methodologies. Was for the sake of the course or was it a long term approach I was adopting to my practice?
I discussed how it was a generative state for me new approach which I very much wanted to take on long term. That it has given me a larger inventory of work to show and develop beyond the MA - In addition it might be a more beneficial and productive use of my time, to continue to explore and research. Rather than trying to peak and make something specific for the final show. which would be approval based.
It’s tough as I know my friends and family will be imagining a particular type of work for the final show and their support has been invaluable - its hard not top want to impress them with some really dramatic piece…
However I feel like I am addressing the gap in my practice. The correlation of theory and practice, a more natural flow of theoretical production and the manifestation in the making.
I can’t remember if it was me or Jonathan but someone said that I had 10 years worth of ideas potentially from this time of free exploration. I guess the time isn’t important - more that my practice as an artist is evolving my approach, rhythms and beliefs.
JK said - I could have an Interesting exhibition tomorrow. With what I have in the studio. Just keep on making.
That what is very positive is that I could have large show or small show. “So much material”
He also expressed that ‘Wood’ has become a strong side of the work. My work in the woods. The Liminal.
The Hinged branch - was pivotal moment in my work. That it had a ‘purity’ it was what it was meant to be.
Film/animationis also a generative area for me and makes more inventory. That the small film sketches and animation which is appearing in my blog is more potential work to engage with.
I have realised that in my work - ‘ritualised tools of passage’ is a growing narrative.
In essence alot of my work is about my relationship to God and the Spirit. Movement of discovery. Passage.
Also interesting to JK was the idea of ‘Kenosis’ that has begun to appear in my work. It’s closely related to ‘Difference’. To Pour out, empty out. A spatial and theoretical anomaly where the outworking is beyond our expectations. My latest post was ‘ver’y interesting’t. JK he asked where it came from - was it an Intentional direction. I felt that my research all connected and had lead to it rather that a specific intention but that I wa keen to explore it some more now that it has begun to evolve in my blog.
A lot if the Blog has been a bridge to finding understanding. In reading back for the Assessment I have found a number of older posst have specific language and ideas that appear in my paper similar to Kenosis. There is a pattern of me ‘Fixating’ on word that resonates and I will chew on it. Finding strange connections that then have accumulated in the research paper.
Emptying out.
All connected to my convictions and beliefs. Possible route to pursue over the next few months or beyond.
Kenosis - ‘Kenarchy‘ as a political theology. Might be of interest to my research. Roger Mitchell
Also Roger Forster? Truthfulness to him and his thinking in an academic space - found his methodology.
That my practice is developing in truthfullness, deep, honest and engaged.
In addition interesting to explore - Steven Shakespear’s work - Author on Derrida:
Poetic liturgy -
Other references to look at:
Truth is stranger than it used to be - book. Middleton and Walsh 90’s
Post modern reading of Biblical text. On the book of Colossians - touching on anti-empire
‘Collosians remixed’.
JK - ‘I Hope you hear a little bit of my excitement - genuinely think this place your getting to is really interesting’ Generative very exciting. Just keep going - really enjoying feeling privileged energising to read and look your work.
What I realise is key is the methodology I have begun to discover: The freer making less restricted in finish and concept has lead to a more generative making which feels easier and freer yet still my work, this alongside my more conceptual enquiry, the condensing and connections and exploring can work alongside creating synergy. My thinking is not getting in the way of my making. But free to work alongside and also independently. There is a generation of momentum, the freer I am to make the more I make which contributes to more making and more thinking and exploration of thinking. Sporing. Fertile.